Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Mass to close the tribunal for the alleged miracle positio

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC puts on Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s Pectoral Cross before Mass.  The Cross was gifted to him by Sr. Marlene Brownett, SHCJ
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC signs his name to the official documents before they have to be placed in the box for sealing and shipment to Rome as Patricia Gibson, Chancellor looks on.
Msgr. Jason Gray who headed the tribunal into the inquiry of the alleged miracle, Msgr. Stanley Deptula, Executive Director of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation, and Msgr. James Kruse, Board Member of the Foundation who helped with interviewing the witnesses examine the box and seal carefully. 
Msgr. Gray looks on as Bishop Daniel Jenky holds his finger in place so Msgr. Deptula can tie the official knot. 
Bishop Jenky prays and watches as Msgr. Gray and Msgr. Deptula carefully melt the wax for the official seal.

Bishop Jenky stamps the wax with the official seal.
Bishop Jenky holds the box up for a round of applause as The Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation completes one more step for the Cause of Sheen’s Beatification and Canonization.
Patricia Gibson, Chancellor for the Catholic Diocese of Peoria looks on from the podium where she read the official statement along with Dr. Louis Varela, Board Member who helped with the interviewing of the witnesses and 2nd from the right Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Vice Postulator of the Cause as Bishop Jenky leads a prayer for the sending of the Alleged Miracle Positio.
Little James Fulton is held up by his mother for a standing ovation at the end of Mass.
Msgr. Jason Gray holds one of the sealed boxes while standing with James Fulton and his family.
Archbishop Sheen’s Pectoral Cross and Ciborium make it back to the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Museum which is located in the Catholic Diocese of Peoria diocesan center.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dear Friends of Sheen,

These are exciting times and we have some GREAT Sheen events coming up. All are welcome to attend personally or spiritually. As you know we have been working very hard on investigation into the alleged miracle. A special thanks to Msgr. Jason Gray, Msgr. James Kruse and Dr. Louis Varela for conducting all the interviews and working so hard on the paperwork. Do to their hard work we will have a special Mass to close the investigation tribunal on December 11, 2011 at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception here in Peoria. All are welcome to come and be a part of this special occasion. The Mass will start at 10:30am.
Cathedral of St. Mary in Peoria
(Archbishop Fulton Sheen was ordained here)

Also coming up, with a special thanks to Gerri Kearns for arranging things, we will have a special weekend with Archbishop Fulton Sheen on EWTN. Please feel free to attend the EWTN Mass in person or watch on television. The Mass will be Dec 9th and will be for Archbishop Sheen anniversary of his death. Mass to be celebrated by Fr Andrew Apostoli with the Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word will air live at EWTN Chapel. (7:00 a.m. CST, 8:00 a.m. EST)

EWTN Chapel

5817 Old Leeds Road

Irondale, AL. 35210

Dec 11. Sunday Night Prime host Fr Benedict Groeschel will discuss the Archbishop Sheen documentary and status of Cause of Canonization with guests Msgr. Stanley Deptula and Fr. Andrew Apostoli at 7:00pm EST (6pm CST).

Dec 11. Archbishop Fulton J Sheen, Servant of All movie will be shown on EWTN at 8:00 pm EST (7PM CST)

Daily Mass from EWTN Chapel and Sunday Night Prime also air live on satellite radio

Reference EWTN website for additional info tv/radio schedules

EWTN website www.ewtn.com

I hope that you can watch, attend or listen to some of these events. Please keep all of the above in your prayers as we truly hope to share the life of Archbishop Sheen and the Cause for his canonization with others.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Msgr. Stanley Deptula

Executive Director

Friday, September 30, 2011


May the Lord give you his peace!

The call to defend one’s country is certainly a vocation of great honor and responsibility.  Indeed, the very nature of their military vocation calls our soldiers to daily sacrifice, and many have paid the ultimate price by giving their lives while fulfilling this service for God and Country.  Certainly Archbishop Sheen understood the important role a soldier has in our society, and he was happy to show his support for the men and women serving in the armed forces.   

The Archbishop was quite aware that along with the physical dangers that soldiers face, there are also very real spiritual battles that are unique to a soldier’s profession. It was in response to these needs that in 1943, he wrote his prayer book for soldiers entitled The Armor of God, which was reprinted as the Wartime Prayer Book. The Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation has distributed over 200,000 of these books to our soldiers stationed all over the world. I am convinced that the prayers and reflections of Archbishop Sheen are just as relevant today as they were over 60 years ago. I know that the Wartime Prayer Book has brought guidance, inspiration and peace of soul to tens of thousands of troops who have received them over the years. One of the most exciting blessings that has come about through this campaign is that non-Catholic members of our military are asking for copies of the Wartime Prayer Book as well. 

Your help has made all the difference in the past, but there continues to be so many more men and women who need our support. Our ability to meet these high volume requests is dependent on you, our faithful donors. For example in May we sent 9000 books overseas and they are already out of books and in need of more. We urgently need your help to reach out to our service men and women. By giving these men and women a copy of the Wartime Prayer Book, we show our appreciation for all that they do and for the sacrifices they make. Will you help us arm our young men and women in the military with a powerful weapon for their daily spiritual battles?

“I am not fighting for freedom from something; but for freedom for something: the glorious freedom to call my soul my own and then to save it in cooperation with God’s grace.” (Quoted from Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s Wartime Prayer Book)

May God reward your generosity,

Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R.
Vice Postulator
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation

$40.00 sends 10 books to our soldiers and $400.00 sends 100 books.  You may mail in a check to the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation or Click here to donate on-line DONATE

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Novena September 12-20

For the Novena of Praise and Petition, Msgr. Stanley Deptula, Executive Director of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation and many other priest-friends of the Cause will be offering nine days of Masses from September 12-20th (Sept 20th is the anniversary of Abp. Sheen’s ordination to the priesthood). These Masses will be offered in thanksgiving for the good work the Lord has already done, as well as to ask His continued blessing on the Cause. Also all those who mailed in intentions, those intentions will be placed on the altar during the Masses.  Please join us in our novena by praying the canonization prayer, which can be found here, on each day of the novena.  If you have not mailed in your petition yet please do before September 12th.  Thank you and as Archbishop Fulton Sheen would say, "God Love you".

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fulton Sheen a Day of Reflection with Fr. Andrew Apostoli

Saturday August 20, 2011
at the Irish American Heritage Center
4626 N. Knox Ave.,
Chicago, Illinois

A day of reflection on the life and works of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
presented by
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR
Vice-Postulator of the Cause for Canonization of Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Full day event including a full buffet lunch, a movie
presentations by Fr. Andrew, question and answer period,
Holy Hour with Benediction and Holy Mass.
cost of event is $55.00
For more information please
Phone: 312-282-0751
Must register for this event

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mass of Thanksgiving Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Mass of Thanksgiving for Archbishop Fulton Sheen

After the presentation of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Positio to Pope Benedict XVI by Bishop Daniel Jenky, Bishop of Peoria, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura gave the homily at a Mass of Thanksgiving.  This is the text from that homily:






MAY 25, 2011

Acts 15:1-5

Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5

Jn 15:1-8


Praised be Jesus Christ, now and for ever!

Our hearts are filled with gratitude today for the important progress made in the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel Jenky, Bishop of Peoria, the home diocese of the Servant of God, has today presented to our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, the Positio Super Virtutibus et Fama Sanctitatis, that is, the detailed and documented account both of the heroic exercise of the theological and cardinal virtues by the Servant of God Archbishop Sheen, and of his reputation of holiness of life. The preparation of the account is the fruit of years of the thorough and critical study of the life of the Servant of God and of the devotion to him, since his death on December 9, 1979, so that the cause of his beatification and canonization may be based on the most solid of foundations. In thanking God for the progress of the Cause, we ask Him to continue to bless Bishop Jenky and all who are working with him, so that Archbishop Sheen may be raised to the honor of the altars.

Our joy, today, has its ultimate source in the reality of our life in Christ, which He announces to us, in the Gospel, with the simple words: “I am the vine, you are the branches” (Jn 15:5). As disciples of Christ, we truly participate in His divine life. Living in us, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Our Lord produces in us the fruits of a holy life, fruits which endure unto eternal life, fruits which we, on our own, could never produce. Before the many challenges and discouragements which we face as disciples of Christ, Our Lord speaks words to us which are as reassuring as they are clear: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you” (Jn 15:7). Knowing the challenges and discouragements which we face as His disciples, Our Lord pours forth from His glorious pierced Heart into our fearful and confused hearts the grace to go forward, with courage, in our daily living, placing our hearts totally into His Sacred Heart, in which they never fail to find abundant and unceasing healing and strength.

The life of the Servant of God Archbishop Sheen shows forth to us the great reality of our life in Christ and of our daily salvation in Him. Writing about the difference in the response of Saint Peter and of Judas to their betrayal of Our Lord, the Servant of God referred to the look of Our Lord, the Second Look, which brought to Saint Peter healing and strength. Writing about his own life, the Servant of God observed:

And so there was in my life and also in the life of every priest, a Second Look, and despite any failings or any discouragement as we measure our finitude against His Infinity, the love of the Lord continues. One of the beautiful hymns of St. Ambrose invites us to beg Christ for the gentle look which merits His continuing love: Jesu, labantes respice, Et nos videndo corrige. “Jesus, look on us when we are succumbing, for Your look sets us right again” (Fulton J. Sheen, Treasure in Clay: The Autobiography, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993, pp. 342-343).

The Servant of God concludes his reflection, acknowledging that he found the goodness of God to Him, most of all, in the mystery of the Cross, in the mystery of the outpouring of Christ’s life for us in pure and selfless love, in the mystery in which we are called to share. He concluded:

It could very well be that the goodness of God in my behalf has been manifested not only in the gift of Christian parents, unusual opportunities for education and on and on; the greatest gift of all may have been His summons to the Cross, where I found His continuing self-disclosure (Ibid., p. 350).

The heroic sanctity of the Servant of God teaches us that carrying the Cross with Christ, completing in our lives, in the words of Saint Paul, “what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church,” we know, in the most perfect manner possible, how real is the great gift of the life which we, the branches, have in Christ, the Vine (Col 1:24; cf. Ibid., pp. 348-349).

We witness the same great fruits of the grace of Christ in the life of Pope Saint Gregory VII, whose memory we celebrate today. Succeeding to the Chair of Peter, in the 11th Century, one of the most turbulent times in the life of the Church, the monk Hildebrand did not fear to take up the Cross with Christ, in order to purify the Church of so much corruption within and to fortify her against so many enemies from without. Eventually, those who opposed Pope Gregory VII forced him into exile. Dying on this day in 1085, he forgave his many enemies. “I have loved righteousness and hated iniquity”, he declared with his last breath, “that is why I die in exile” (Herbert Thurston, S.J., and Donald Attwater, ed., Butler’s Lives of the Saints Complete Edition, New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1956, Vol. II, p. 388). Commenting on his heroic virtue and on his human faults, one biographer declared that “his life was devoted to the cleansing and fortifying of the Church, because it was God’s Church and should be the abode of charity and justice upon earth” (Ibid., p. 388).

Both Pope Saint Gregory VII and the Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen witnessed many attacks upon Christ and His Mystical Body, the Church, during their lives and especially at the end of their lives. Both of them, notwithstanding great suffering, with joy and peace, took up the Cross with Christ, poured out their lives, with Christ, in pure and selfless love of Him and of His holy Church. As we thank God today for the heroic sanctity of Pope Saint Gregory VII and of the Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, let us pray for the grace to take up, with Christ, each day anew, the heavy burden of the Cross, so that God may be glorified in all things and His immeasurable and unceasing love may reach every human heart.

Let us now lift up our hearts to the glorious pierced Heart of Jesus through His Eucharistic Sacrifice. Placing our hearts totally within His Most Sacred Heart, let us take up, with Him, the Cross, pouring out our lives, as He pours out His Life, in pure and selfless love. With Mary Immaculate, let us place our hearts completely into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as did Pope Saint Gregory VII and the Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, so that they may be purified and strengthened for our mission in our homes and in our neighborhoods, in the Church and in the world.

Heart of Jesus, King and Center of all hearts, have mercy on us.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America and Star of the New Evangelization, pray for us.

Pope Saint Gregory VII, pray for us.

Servant of God, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, pray for us.

Raymond Leo Cardinal BURKE

Archbishop Emeritus of Saint Louis

Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Directors Corner

Please view our new video page on youtube

Msgr. Stanley Deptula
Excecutive Director
Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation

will keep us updated on all the latest news from
the foundation.  In this video clip listen to our
exciting news about the Foundation President
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC
who will hand in the Fulton Sheen Positio
to Pope Benedict XVI in Rome

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Novena to end on Fulton Sheen's Birthday May 8th.

“In each child, God whispers a new secret to the world; adds a new dimension of immortality to creation” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

God whispered a wonderful love story to the world through Fulton J. Sheen so let us whisper prayers back to Him. This is a 9 day novena with the prayer for canonization at the bottom of this page.  As all of us are “Treasures in Clay” the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation invites you to join us in a journey reflecting upon the wonderful life of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen through a novena beginning on April 30th and ending on May 8th, Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s birthday. Please join us in praying for the cause of his canonization while reflecting upon his life. After each quote and prayer we will pray the Prayer for his Canonization, The Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory be to the Father. May this journey bring you closer to God through the Servant of God Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

DAY 1 “How God will judge my life I know not, but I trust he will see me with mercy and compassion. I am only certain there will be three surprises in Heaven. First of all, I will see some people whom I never expected to see. Second, there will be a number whom I expect who will not be there. And - even relying on God’s mercy - the biggest surprise of all may be that I will be there. When the record of any human life is set down, there are three pairs of eyes who see it in a different light. 1. As I see it. 2. As others see it. 3. As God sees it.“ Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord help us to focus on You as Fulton Sheen did so that we may be humble when looking upon ourselves, so that others will see You when they look upon us, and so we can see our lives as You see it.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 2 “Protestants, Jews and Catholics have God, morality, and religion in common. In the name of God, let us - Jews, Protestants, and Catholics - do two things: 1. Realize that an attack upon one is an attack upon all, since we are all one in God; it is not tolerance we need, but charity; not forbearance but love. 2. Begin doing something about religion, and the least we can do is say our prayers; to implore God’s blessings upon the world and our country; to thank Him for his blessings; and to become illumined in the fullness of His truth. There is entirely too much talk about religion and not enough action.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord Fulton Sheen reached out to people of every religion. Help us to see others as You see them and to focus on what we have in common instead of our differences.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 3 “In every friendship hearts grow and entwine themselves together, so that the two hearts seem to make only one heart with only a common thought. That is why separation is so painful; it is not so much two hearts separating, but one being torn asunder. “ Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord help me to see you in others like Fulton Sheen did so I can become one with them as we will all be one in heaven. Help me to realize that separation from You means an empty heart for me.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 4 “The great tragedy of life is not so much what men have suffered, but what they have missed. And what greater tragedy is there than to miss the peace of sin forgiven? There is not a man living who, if he willed it, could not enjoy the spiritual food and drink which God serves to all who ask.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord Fulton Sheen led so many to peace of soul by introducing them to your forgiveness. Help us to share your gift of peace to others by introducing them to Your true loving forgiveness and gift of confession. Help us to learn to ask for the food and drink we truly need.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 5 “All love on this earth involves choice. When, for example, a young man expresses his love to a young woman and asks her to become his wife, he is not just making an affirmation of love; he is also negating his love for anyone else. In that one act by which he chooses her, he rejects all that is not her. There is no other real way in which to prove we love a thing than by choosing it in preference to something else. Word and sighs of love may be, and often are, expressions of egotism or passion; but deeds are proofs of love. We can prove we love our Lord only by choosing Him in preference to anything else.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord Fulton Sheen loved you above all things. Help us to choose to put you first in our lives so we can learn what true love is.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 6 “Burning the candle at both ends for God’s sake may be foolishness to the world, but it is a profitable Christian exercise for so much better the light! Only one thing in life matters: Being found worthy of the Light of the World in the hour of His visitation. We need have no undue fear for our health if we work hard for the Kingdom of God; God will take care of our health if we take care of His cause. In any case, it is better to burn out than to rust out.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord, even when tired and sick Fulton Sheen worked unceasingly for your cause. Help us to learn how to tirelessly work for You through Fulton Sheen. Help us to know that there is no rest unless it is in You.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 7 “Mary is not only mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but she is also our mother, and this is not by a title of courtesy, not by legal fiction, not by a mere figure of speech, but by the right of bringing us forth in sorrow at the foot of the cross…. Mary, by sacrifice and obedience, regained for us the title, Mother of the living. What a destiny to have the Mother of God as my Mother and Jesus as my brother.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord, Fulton Sheen learned obedience at the school of Mary. He had such a great relationship with her. He knew that when he went before the judgment seat of Christ You would say “I heard My mother speak of you.” Help us to better know Mary so we may gain insight into such great obedience, love, faith and hope.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 8 “If we followed the same rules for health that we do about religion, we would all be bedridden. It is not enough to talk about the necessity of health; we must do something practical about it - for example, eat, exercise, and rest. So it is with religion. We must nourish ourselves with the truths of God, exercise our spiritual muscles in prayer, mortify ourselves of those things which are harmful to the soul, and be just as scrupulous in avoiding moral evil as we are in avoiding physical evil.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord Fulton Sheen did not ask others to go to confession or visit our Lord an hour a day without doing it himself. He practiced what he preached. Guard us from hypocrisy and help us to lead others to you through our actions.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

DAY 9 “The better we become, the less conscious we are of our goodness. If anyone admits to being a saint, he is close to being a devil. Jean Jacques Rousseau believed that of all men, he was the most perfect, but he had so many cracks in his soul that he abandoned his children after their birth. The more saintly we become, the less conscious we are of being holy. A child is cute so long as he does not know that he is cute. As soon as he thinks he is, he turns into a brat. True goodness is unconscious.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Lord Fulton Sheen always thought of himself as an unworthy servant and never thought himself a saint. Help us to be humble in our service and to realize as Fulton Sheen realized that all good works come from You.

Prayer of Canonization, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be


Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, ARCHBISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people. If it be according to Your Will, for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Big step in the Cause for Canonization of Archbishop Fulton Sheen

It is with great joy that The Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation announces that The Positio, bound in a white silk cover which summarizes the life and holiness of the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen will be presented to Pope Benedict XVI by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC of Peoria, Illinois on May 25, 2011 at the end of the pope’s weekly general audience.

The Positio, or position paper, will be filed formally with the Congregation for Saints’ Causes as the initial step in the Vatican’s process to determine whether Archbishop Sheen should be beatified and canonized.

Born in El Paso, Illinois and raised in Peoria, Archbishop Sheen was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Peoria in 1919. Bishop Jenky became the Bishop of Competence and sponsor of the Cause in 2002. Now as President of the Archbishop Sheen Foundation he continues to oversee the Cause.

Msgr. Stanley Deptula, Executive Director of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation reported that, “once the Congregation for Saints’ Causes officially approves the Positio they will begin the investigation into an alleged healing. The Foundation believes the healing is a miracle granted through the late Archbishop’s intercession”.

Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Vice Postulator for the Cause noted that, “America is in need of a Saint like Archbishop Sheen. He brought so many people closer to Christ during his life here on earth and continues to do so even today through his many writings, television and radio shows”.

Those to accompany Bishop Jenky in the presentation will be Msgr. Stanley Deptula, Executive Director of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation, Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR, Vice Postulator of the Cause of Archbishop Sheen, Msgr. Richard Soseman, Foreign Liaison of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation, Dr. Louis Varela, chairman of the Board of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation and Maria Alicia Varela, Board Member of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Archbishop Fulton Sheen Servant of All" movie showing

THE TABLET Forum Series Presents:


"Archbishop Fulton Sheen Servant of All" movie showing 
followed by a talk on the life of Fulton Sheen by
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR

Date:  Thursday April 14th, 2011
Time: 7 PM
Location: Immaculate Conception Center, 7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY
Cost: Tickets are free but limited and can be obtained by sending an email to  ewilkinson@diobrook.org


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This picture was taken Feb 23rd by Daryl Wilson Photography and furnished by The Catholic Post. Bishop Daniel Jenky, CSC of Peoria visits 3rd grade students at St. Thomas the Apostle School in Peoria Heights, IL and passed out comic books about the life of Archbishop Fulton Sheen and rosaries designed by Sheen to encourage prayers for the missions. Bishop Jenky pointed out that Fulton Sheen was a Catholic School student in Peoria and encouraged all present to be saints.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Americans on the Road to Sainthood

22nd Annual Lenten Lecture
Dr. Louis & Mrs. Alice Varela

Date: March 23, 2011
Time: 7:30PM to 9:30PM 
Location: University of St. Thomas, Scanlan Room, Jerabeck Center
Address: 4000 Mt. Vernon, Houston, Texas
Contact: 713-525-3582
Sponsored by: Theology Department
Cost: Free and open to the public

Dr. Louis & Mrs. Alice Varela will present the third Lenten Lecture about "Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen" 
This year's theme, "Americans on the Road to Sainthood," follows a discussion of the canonization process with examinations of several Americans whose causes of sanctification are now being promoted.  It is hoped that members of the community will be inspired by these heroes of the faith and experience personal growth in the Lord's Kingdom.

Click here for more information:  The University of St. Thomas

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Your gift last year allowed the work of the Roman Postulator, Dr. Andrea Ambrosi to continue, nearly to completion. Tens of thousands of dollars were raised to ad-vance the work of the Positio —the multi-volume, multi-thousand page document outlining the reason why we believe that Fulton Sheen should be declared a blessed and saint of the Catholic Church. This document is nearly ready to go to print. Cop-ies of these volumes will then be reviewed by the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of the Saints — and then onto the Holy Father.
Your financial gifts in 2011 will allow Dr. Ambrosi to finish the Positio (printing costs alone are incredibly expensive!). Your generosity then will enable our Postulator to begin the canonical review of the alleged miracle which will be presented to the Pope for his judgment. Your gift makes this Cause possible!
Your gift also makes possible the Foundation’s work of evangelization through Archbishop Sheen’s life and work. Through our regular newsletters, holy cards, documentary DVD, and our new COMIC BOOK, you can help Fulton Sheen to preach the Gospel in today’s world.
Last year, you helped to bring Fulton Sheen’s priestly spirituality to the 5,000 semi-narians studying to be priests in the United States. Copies of Sheen’s book The Priest is Not His Own were sent to the seminaries as part of the Year for Priests cele-bration. Thank you for being a true friend of Archbishop Sheen!
Your prayers, sacrifices and financial generosity directly makes possible the work to advance the Cause for the Canonization of Archbishop Sheen, and to lead others to Christ through Sheen’s life and legacy.

A Note from Msgr. Stanley Deptula, Executive Director of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation
Thank you for your generous and dedicated support for the cause to see Archbishop Sheen declared a saint of the Catholic Church. Your prayers and financial gifts make the advancement of the cause possible. You are personally part of this historic and spiritual work. Besides the exciting progress of our Postulator in Rome, your gift and prayers also advance the work of the Foundation to lead others to Christ through Sheen’s life and message.
In the past few years, you have helped bring thousands of Sheen’s Wartime Prayer books to our servicemen and women. Many military chaplains have sent deeply moving notes about how much this little book means to our military personnel. Your generosity also helped to make Fulton Sheen part of the formation of our future priests. Every seminarian studying for US dioceses and religious orders was sent a copy of Sheen’s classic The Priest is Not His Own in 2010.
The months ahead promise to be just as exciting. After the review by the Cardinals, Bishops and theologians of the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, the documentation for the beatification should be presented to the Pope in 2011. And new outreach efforts are being planned to bring Sheen’s message to the younger generation.
You may have heard that the Foundation had asked for the work in Rome to be paused while some important questions get worked out regarding the hoped-for transfer of Archbishop Sheen’s tomb to the Cathedral in Peoria. These questions remain, but at the end of January, Bishop Jenky, president of the Foundation, expressed the unwavering commitment of the Foundation to continuing the important work of the Cause. The Cause is moving ahead. As executive director, I am deeply humbled to serve God and His Church in this process of canonization — and I am so happy to have each of you as co-workers in the Cause.
May God bless you for your generosity!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, president of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation

For Immediate Release

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, president of the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation, happily announces that the Foundation has resumed its efforts to advance the cause for Archbishop Sheen’s beatification and canonization. In November 2010, Bishop Jenky initiated a pause in the eight year effort to promote the cause for Archbishop Sheen’s beatification due to questions with the Archdiocese of New York regarding Archbishop Sheen’s mortal remains.
The Sheen Foundation has been the promoter of the cause since it was officially opened in 2002 and centralized its operations in Peoria, IL in 2007. As Bishop of Peoria, Bishop Jenky presided over the diocesan investigation into the life and sanctity of Fulton Sheen, who was born, raised, and ordained a priest in the Diocese of Peoria. Over the years, the Sheen Foundation and its work to advance the cause for Archbishop Sheen’s beatification has become a world wide movement, attracting the support of Cardinals, bishops, clergy, religious, missionaries and lay faithful from around the globe.
After further consultation, and having heard the desire of the faithful to see the cause advance, Bishop Jenky, as president of the Sheen Foundation, is happy to work with the postulator in Rome and is hopeful that the cause will advance quickly. Msgr. Stanley Deptula, executive director of the Sheen Foundation, added “I am so happy to see the Foundation’s leadership continue in Peoria. Sheen was born in Peoria. His cause for sainthood was begun in Peoria. And I look forward to seeing this good work completed in Peoria.” For more information about the Sheen Foundation and the cause for Archbishop Sheen’s beatification, please visit ArchbishopSheenCause.org or call the Foundation offices – 309-671-1550.

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Archbishop Fulton Sheen Servant of All" movie showing

Assumption College for Sisters
350 Bernardsville Rd.
Mendham, NJ
Sunday, January 30th
2:30 pm
(snow date is Feb 13th)
Host: Carmel Tintle
Special Guests & stars of the film will answer questions after movie:
Dr. Yolanda Holliger (relative of Archbishop Sheen)
Sr. Marlene Brownett, SHCJ 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Archbishop Fulton Sheen Servant of All" movie showing

March 15, 2010

The Palace Theater
17 West Market St.
Corning, NY  14830
Doors open at 6:30pm
Movie starts at 7pm